„Lovas harcos” változatai közötti eltérés

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a (Medivh átnevezte a(z) Mounted Warrior lapot Lovas harcos lapra átirányítás nélkül)
(Nincs különbség)

A lap 2016. augusztus 17., 16:00-kori változata

Monted Warrior
Guerreiro Montado.jpg

Mounted Warrior is the iron age upgrade of the horseman. Having the highest speed in the iron age, due to the high movement, it is always the first unit to have first action and be able to reach the another end of map in 2 turns

Age: Icon reward age.png Iron Age
Type: Icon reward military unit fast.png Fast Unit
Attack: Icon attack.png 9
Defense: Icon defense.png 8
Range: Icon range.png 1
Movement: Icon movement.png 22
Attack: +4 against Icon reward military unit short range.png
Defense: +4 against Icon reward military unit short range.png
no special abillities
Other Info
Battle Points: Icon rank.png 120
Requirements: Icon quest alchemie.png Military Tactics

Military small.png Mounted Warrior Stable

Training Costs: 40 Icon money.png 180 Icon supplies.png
Training Time: Icon time.png 2:00:00 hours
Healing Time: Icon time.png 12 mins/hit point