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A lap korábbi változatát látod, amilyen Medivh (vitalap | szerkesztései) 2016. augusztus 20., 16:05-kor történt szerkesztése után volt.
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Icon GB.png Each Era comes with new Great Buildings, each one with its own unique bonus, graphic, and space required to build. Unlike conventional buildings which require only coins/supplies, Great Buildings have additional requirements of goods and blueprints which must be collected before the Great Building can be constructed.

Produce Resources : Great Buildings provide unique bonuses.

Some of them produce large amounts of resources, like coins, supplies, goods, medals or Forge Points.
The higher the level of the Great Building, the more it will produce

Get Boosts.png

Get Boosts : Some Great Buildings provide boost to the defense of your army. Other support your offense or raise the production of your buildings. Raise the level of the building to increase your boost!

Get Blueprints:

Get Blueprints by contributing to other players Great Buildings. There is also a chance of finding blueprints when you polish, motivate or plunder buildings. You can also trade your surplus blueprints at a rate 2:1.

Contribution Rewards:

You can gain medals, Forge Points packages and blueprints of that Great Building for contributing to other player's. However you need to have researched 'Architecture' in order to contribute

Required Goods :

For the initial construction of the Great Building you will need plenty of goods of the same age. Look up the required goods cost in the Great Building menu of your inventory.

Construct Great Buildings:

As soon as you have a full set of Blueprints and the required goods you can construct the Great Building in your city.

Work Together :

It is a difficult to task to level up your Great Building alone. Get the help of your friends, neighbors or guild mates - when they contribute Forge Points, they will take rewards.

Leveling Up :

It takes Forge Points to level up a Great Building. Every Great Building starts at level 0. It will take some Forge Points before it reaches level 1 and starts working.

Level 10+ :

You can level up a Great Building up to level 10. For every additional level beyond 10, you have to collect a full set of blueprints again.

Construction.png Construction

To place a great building, you need the following:

  • The nine different blueprints of that building
  • An amount of goods from that building's age

Once you comply with the requirements, you can place the construction site. But that doesn't give you the building yet – see section Levels.


Every Great Building is a puzzle of nine pieces, which you have to collect in order to construct the building. That can be achieved in the following ways:

  • Polish or Motivate your neighbours/guildmates
  • Plunder your neighbours, though chances to find something are a little lower than with polishing/motivating
  • Help other players construct their great buildings (see section "Donation Rewards")
  • Diamonds, once you found at least one blueprint of that building one of the other ways
  • Quests and the Treasure Hunt can also give you random blueprints
  • Special events may feature blueprints as prizes

When Polishing/Motivating/Plundering, the affected building's age defines what blueprint you might find. Example: If you motivate a pottery, a Bronze Age building, you can only find blueprints for the Statue of Zeus or the Tower of Babel – Great buildings of Bronze Age.

You can also trade two duplicates in a specific Great building for one blueprint in that same Great Building (but still in a random spot) if you are still looking to get a specific spot.

Levels.png Levels

Once you placed a great building, it's on level 0, like a construction site.

Unlike other buildings, these don't build up themselves, but have to be constructed with the use of forge points.

When the building reaches level 1, it is finally built, but can be upgraded to level 10 with forge points alone. You will then need set of blueprints to unlock levels past 10 (one set = one more level available).

The higher the building's level, the more powerful the bonus becomes and the greater the amount of forge points are needed to reach the next level.

Details on the forge-point costs and bonuses can be found in the respective posts of each building.

Bronzkorszak Vaskorszak
Bábel tornya

Population.png Népesség, Good Production.png Termékek


Icon happiness.png Boldogság, Icon medal.png Medál

Zeusz szobra

Military boost.png Katonai bónusz

Alexandriai világítótorony

Icon supplies.png Alapanyag bónusz, Good Production.png Termékek

Kora Középkor Virágzó Középkor
Hagia Sophia

Icon happiness.png Boldogság, Small fp.png Forge Pont

Szt. Márk bazilika

Coin boost.png Pénz bónusz, Good Production.png Termékek

Aacheni katedrális

Military boost.png Katonai bónusz, Coin boost.png Pénz termelés

Notre Dame

Icon happiness.png Boldogság, Icon supplies.png Alapanyag termelés

Késő Középkor A Gyarmatosítás kora
Boldog Vazul-székesegyház

Fierce resistance.png Erőszakos ellenállás Coin boost.png Pénz termelés

Deal kastély

Fierce resistance.png Erőszakos ellenállás Icon medal.png Medál

Castel del Monte

Military boost.png Katonai bónusz Small fp.png Forge Pont

Drezdai Miasszonyunk templom

Icon happiness.png Boldogság, Good Production.png Termékek

Ipari kor Progresszív kor
Royal Albert Hall

Icon supplies.png Alapanyag bónusz, Good Production.png Termékek

Château Frontenac

Quest reward boost.png Küldetés bónusz, Coin boost.png Pénz termelés


30pc Népesség, Icon supplies.png Alapanyag termelés


Icon happiness.png Boldogság, Penal Unit.png Független egységek

Modern kor Posztmodern kor
Space Needle

Icon happiness.png Boldogság, Coin boost.png Pénz termelés

Cape Canaveral

Small fp.png Forge Pont


Icon happiness.png Boldogság, Guild Goods.png Céhes termékek

A Habitat

Icon population.png Népesség, Coin boost.png Pénz termelés

Jelenkor Holnap
Lótusz templom

Icon happiness.png Boldogság, Coin boost.png Pénz termelés

Dinamikus torony

Aid Goods.png Támogatás termékek Icon supplies.png Alapanyag termelés

Innovációs torony

Icon population.png Népesség, Small fp.png Forge Pont

Voyager V1

Plunder Goods.png Fosztás termékek, Icon supplies.png Alapanyag termelés

A Jövő Távoli jégkorszak
A Bárka

Contribution Boost.png Hozzájárulási bónusz, Guild Goods.png Céhes termékek


Icon happiness.png Boldogság, Icon medal.png Medál

[[Esőerdő Projekt

]] Aid Blueprints.png Támogatási tervrajzok, Good Production.png Termékek

No Age

Support Pool Bonus.png Céhes támogatási érték
Guild Goods.png Céhes termékek

Ereklyék temploma

Icon great building bonus relic hunt.png Speciális ereklye jutalom




Donation Rewards

Ranking Points.png

Ranking Points