
Innen: Forge of Empires - Wiki HU
A lap korábbi változatát látod, amilyen Onun.bastiaan (vitalap | szerkesztései) 2016. július 2., 17:14-kor történt szerkesztése után volt.
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The Clubman is a non-playable light unit that show up early in the game, used by the first province encountered. In a battle it looks like a berserker.

Age: Icon reward age.png Bronze Age
Type: Icon reward military unit light infantry.png Light Unit
Attack: Icon attack.png 3
Defense: Icon defense.png 3
Range: Icon range.png 1
Movement: Icon movement.png 14
Attack: +2Icon reward military unit fast.png
Defense: +2Icon reward military unit fast.png
no special habilities
Other Info
Requirements: Military small.png n/a
Training Costs: Icon construction reduction.png n/a
Training Time: Icon time.png n/a
Healing Time: Icon time.png n/a